25.02.2025 , Legacy IT

DPS launches news aggregator on Legacy IT

With the “Legacy IT Center”, DPS has launched the first German-language news aggregator to deal comprehensively with the topic of Legacy IT. The aim is to provide companies and experts with up-to-date information on mainframe applications and the components used (programming languages, databases, middleware, etc.).

Legacy IT systems continue to play a central role in many industries, particularly in banks, building societies and insurance companies. These systems are often the backbone of the IT infrastructure and ensure the stability and security of critical business processes. Despite their age, they are indispensable and must be continuously maintained and modernized to meet the requirements of the modern business world.

Challenges and opportunities

The shortage of skilled workers in the field of legacy programming is a significant challenge. Many experienced programmers are retiring, and there are few young professionals to fill the gap. This increases the risk of system failures and security vulnerabilities. At the same time, modern technologies such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence offer new opportunities to make these systems more efficient and flexible.

The “Legacy IT Center” offers a one-stop shop for the latest news, technical articles and best practices on legacy IT. The platform is aimed at IT experts, decision-makers and anyone interested in the future and the challenges of mainframes and other legacy systems.

Visit the “Legacy IT Center” here: legacyit.de

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