The revolution in payment transactions: Instant payments and the future of the financial sector

DPS supports banks in implementing the regulatory requirements for real-time payments – in the shortest possible time. Instant payments open up new opportunities for financial institutions to improve services, increase efficiency and increase customer satisfaction. Our bespoke consulting services help PSPs overcome the implementation challenges and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by this revolutionary payment solution.

Holistic Consulting

We see instant payments as a change that has a significant impact on customer behaviour, operations and technology as well as the banks’ business models. Our approach looks at this triangle holistically and analyses the impact at each level. Here you will find all the information in a compact summary.

A focus on customer behaviour: We look at how customer behaviour in payment transactions is changing through instant payments. What expectations do different customer groups have? How does the introduction affect their preferences and usage habits?

Operational and technical implementation: We develop detailed implementation plans for banks that show what activities are required and when and how they are needed. From the adaptation of systems to the training of personnel, we provide support every step of the way to ensure the smooth integration of instant payments.

Impact on business models: We analyse the long-term impact of instant payments on banks’ business models. How do instant payments become the “new normal” and what strategic adjustments are needed to stay competitive?

Our services in detail

Provide expertise on the regulation

We keep you informed about regulatory requirements and best practices to ensure a legally compliant implementation.

Illustrate the customer impact

We provide in-depth analyses of the impact of instant payments on different customer segments to help you better understand your customers and meet their needs.

Analyse the professional and technical impact

We examine the professional and technical impact of instant payments on your existing systems and processes in order to identify optimisation potential.

Develop ideas for business models

We help you to develop innovative business models that take full advantage of the opportunities offered by instant payments and open up new revenue streams.

Develop implementation concepts

We create bespoke implementation concepts that take your individual requirements into account and help you efficiently integrate instant payments into your business processes.

Select providers

Based on your requirements, we help you to select suitable technology and service providers to find the best solution for your instant payment needs.

Provide support for projects

We support you throughout the entire implementation process and provide you with our know-how and experience to ensure that your instant payment projects are successfully implemented.


Regulatory Background

On 7 February 2024, the European Parliament adopted the Instant Payments Regulation, which significantly shapes the future of payment transactions. This regulation requires payment service providers to offer their customers individual payments in real time, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. The regulation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 19 March 2024. 20 days later it came into force. From then on, payment institutions had 9 months to be passively available and 18 months to be actively connected and check the IBAN name (verification of payee).

You can also read our blog post: Instant Payments: Between regulatory costs and new business models.

The new regulation sets a standard for the entire euro area and aims to make transfers in real time available everywhere. This includes not only national transactions, but also the possibility of cross-border instant payments.

How can we support you?

Would you like to find out more about our consulting services for Instant Payments? Please feel free to contact me!

Karina Gutheiss

Head of Business Development
+49 711 90387-0