Wordline DPS
19.11.2021 Finance, Application Management

Worldline and DPS sign new 5-year application management contract

Worldline and DPS Engineering have renewed their maintenance and further development collaboration of the payment platform Plattform with a 5-year contract.

Worldline is Europe’s leading payment solutions provider. The industry-leading and integrated end-to-end payment service, Plattform, provides back-office processing and clearing, in addition to settlement mechanisms for payment transactions. Currently, at peak times, Plattform processes more than 100 million transactions per day, making it one of the largest payment applications in the SEPA area. Worldline covers the complete gamut of payment traffic – domestic, cross-border, high value, and instant.

DPS has been responsible for the application management for more than 15 years and has implemented significant further developments. These include the introduction of SEPA and instant payment as well as the conversion of the high value and cross-border payment traffic to ISO20022 on behalf of Worldline.

Commenting on the contract win, Michael Steinbach, CEO of Worldline Financial Services, said: “Especially in application management, where reliability is important, the long-term involvement of trusted partner companies is an asset. The contract extension with DPS says everything about the quality of our cooperation.”

Werner Dorschel, founder and managing director of DPS, adds: “The cooperation with Worldline, as the leading pan-European payment provider, is a success story. We look forward to continuing this trust-based cooperation of mutual appreciation. All for the benefit of our mutual customers.”

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